ESA Conference Programme 2022

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Programme in PDF

28.06.2022/ Tuesday

9.30-10.00 Opening
A-101 (1st floor)

10.00-11.30 Plenary Session
Emmanuel Alloa
Sharing Perspectives. Points of View in Art and Philosophy
Chair: Francisca Pérez Carreño
A-101 (1st floor)

11.30-12.00 Coffee break A-500 (5th floor)

28.06.2022 TuesdayPhilosophy of Photography
Chair: Alberto Voltolini
A-501 (5th floor)
Philosophy of Art
Chair: Alessandro Bertinetto
A-502 (5th floor)
Topics in the History of Aesthetics I
Chair: Jakub Stejskal
A-402 (4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters I
Chair: Matilde Carrasco Barranco
A-403 (4th floor)
12.00-12.45Zsolt Bátori
Photographic Abstraction
Aviv Reiter
Wittgenstein and the Threat of Private Meaning in Art
David Collins
Post-Romantic Conceptions of Artistic Expression: Dewey, Collingwood, and Merleau-Ponty
Eva Schürmann
The Topicality of Whitehead’s Aesthetics
12.45-13.30Marta Maliszewska
Epistemic Injustice and Somaesthetics in Photography
Nemesio G. C. Puy
Ethical Issues on Musical Appropriation
Viviana Galletta
The Laocoön and the Devil:
A Path through the Franciscus Hemsterhuis’ Letter on Sculpture
Vítor Guerreiro
No Such Thing as Art: Skill, Form and Human Experience

13.30-15.00 Lunch break (MAP)

28.06.2022 TuesdayAesthetics and the Anthropocene
Chair: Matilde Carrasco Barranco
A-501 (5th floor)
Philosophy of Theatre
Chair: Eva Schürmann
A-502 (5th floor)
Aesthetics and Queer Theory
Chair: Pauline von Bonsdorff
A-402 (4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters II
Chair: Daniel Martin Feige
A-403 (4th floor)
15.00-15.45Marta Benenti and Lisa Giombini
Persuasive Narratives. Fiction in the Time of Climate Change
Matthew DeCoursey
On the Two Artistic Media of the Play Text
Uku Tooming
Is the Value of Good Bad Art a Solitary Value?
15.45-16.30Asmus Trautsch
The Problem of Scale for Art in the Anthropocene
Clive Cazeaux
The Contradiction of Audio Drama
Philip Mills
Viral Poetics and Queer Theory:
Paul Preciado, Maggie Nelson, Kae Tempest
Nathan Wildman
Formal Fictional Truths, Glitches, and Missingno

16.30-16.45 Coffee break A-500 (5th floor)

28.06.2022Tuesday  PANEL
Chair: Daniel Martin Feige
A-501 (5th floor)
Aesthetics and Critical Theory
Chair: Elena Tavani
A-502 (5th floor)
Aesthetics and Feminist Theory 
Chair: Zsolt Bátori
A-402 (4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters III
Chair: Vítor Moura
A-403 (4th floor)
16.45-17.30Pauline von Bonsdorff, Anu Besson, Johan Kalmanlehto and Kaisa Mäki-Petäjä
Aesthetic Practices: Perspectives on Temporality
Elettra Villani
The Category of the Aesthetic.
Considerations on Theodor W. Adorno’s Reading of Kierkegaard
Jana Kukaine
Gut Feelings and Visceral Aesthetics in Postsocialist Feminism
Federico Fantelli
The Faces of Caricature
17.30-18.15 (the panel continues)Rolando Vitali
The Aesthetic Field as Social Mediation. Adorno and Benjamin and the Aesthetic Critique of Everyday Life
Mariliis Elizabeth Holzmann
An Alien Phenomenology of Object Oriented Aesthetics
and Vehicular Attraction in Julia Ducournau’s Titane (2021)
Sonia Emilia Mihai
Ontological Experience and Users’ Identity in Digital Body Interactive Installations

18.15-18.30 Coffee break A-500 (5th floor)

18.30-20.00 ESA Assembly (for all participants and members of the ESA society)
A-501 (5th floor)

29.06.2022/ Wednesday

29.06.2022 WednesdayAesthetic Reasons and Actions
Chair: Enrico Terrone
A-501 (5th floor)
Aesthetics of Design
Chair: Connell Vaughan
A-502 (5th floor)
Philosophy of Pictures
Chair: Vítor Moura
(4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters IV
Chair: Elena Tavani
A-403 (4th floor)
9.30-10.15María José Alcaraz León
Aesthetic Reasons:
What They Can Do and What They Cannot Do
Michalle Gal
Visualism: The Case of Metaphors (with some examples from design)
Sacha Behrend
Principles for a Syncretic Theory of Pictures
Daan Evers
Aesthetic Assertions without Personal Acquaintance    
10.15-11.00Daniel Martin Feige
Musical Improvisation as a Challenge to Anscombian Action Theory    
Monika Favara-Kurkowski
The Emancipatory Role of Misuse in the Aesthetic Theory of Design  
Alberto Voltolini
Ordinary Perception and Pictorial Perception
Christopher Earley
Adrian Piper’s Epistemic Activism
11.00-11.45Alessandro Bertinetto
Aesthetic Norms as Habits: Reasons for Situated Aesthetic Normativity    
Thomas Symeonidis
Designing Worlds: Explorations of the Possible Structures of the Aesthetic in Jacques Rancière  
Renen Amir
The Image is Extended; Knows Nothing About It: Images in a Post Aesthetic
Mark Windsor
Feeling through Things

11.45-12.00 Coffee break A-500 (5th floor)

29.06.2022 WednesdayPANEL
Chair: Daniel Martin Feige
A-501 (5th floor)
A-101 (1st floor)
Philosophy of Film
Chair: Eva Schürmann
A-502 (5th floor)
Aesthetic Concepts I
Chair: Alessandro Bertinetto
A-402 (4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters V
Chair: María José Alcaraz León
A-403 (4th floor)
12.00-12.45Jakob Deibl, Kurt Appel and Daniel Kuran
The Beautiful, the Sublime and the Open. Aesthetic Approaches to Religion in Kant, Hegel and Hölderlin  
Pol Capdevila
Mood in Cinema. Towards a Unified Form of Time  
Matilde Carrasco Barranco
Performative Beauty as Artistic Beauty  
Filippo Contesi, Enrico Terrone, Marta Campdelacreu, Ramón Garcia-Moya and Genoveva Martí
The Paradox of Taste to the Experimental Test
12.45-13.30   (the panel continues)Pioter Shmugliakov
The Passage of an Idea:
Philosophical Film Criticism and Phenomenology of Love in the Wake of Alain Badiou
Aurélie Debaene
This is Awkward: On the Aesthetic Value of Awkwardness in Portraiture
Levno Plato
Aesthetic Normativity in Legal Judgements

13.30-15.00 Lunch break (MAP)

15.00-16.30 Plenary Session
Pauline von Bonsdorff
Aesthetics, Culture and Nature
Chair: Elena Tavani
A-101 (1st floor)

16.30-16.45 Coffee break A-500 (5th floor)

29.06.2022 WednesdayAesthetic and the Social
Chair: Kalle Puolakka
A-501 (5th floor)
A-101 (1st floor)
Philosophy of Music
Chair: Daniel Martin Feige
A-502 (5th floor)
Aesthetic Concepts II
Chair: Pauline von Bonsdorff
A-402 (4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters VI
Chair: Francisca Pérez Carreño
A-403 (4th floor)
16.45-17.30    Elena Romagnoli
A New Social Role for Art?
Gadamer and Dewey in Dialogue
Eran Guter
The Paradox of Sad Music:
A Quietist Approach
Lorenzo Gineprini
The Uncanniness of the Ordinary as an Aesthetic Category  
Hassan Ali
Rosebud: Exploring the Wellesian Shot through Deleuzian Temporality
17.30-18.15    Šárka Lojdová
Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art and Social Oppression: Arthur Danto’s
Vision of a Pluralistic Artworld as a Model for an Equal Society  
Julián Millán
The Ontology of Musical Constrafacta: When Words Change but Sounds Remain

Ancuta Mortu
Aesthetic Recollection  
Jason Holt
Self-Referential Aesthetics in the Art of Leonard Cohen

19.00-19.45 Presentation ‘Estonian Art Theory 100’ and visit to the KUMU exhibition ‘Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945’ KUMU Art Museum (Weizenbergi 34, Tallinn). See the MAP

19.45-21.00 Conference Dinner (registration and payment)
KUMU Art Museum (Weizenbergi 34, Tallinn). See the MAP

30.06.2022/ Thursday

30.06.2022 ThursdayPhilosophy of Literature
Chair: Francisca Pérez Carreño
A-501 (5th floor)
A-101 (1st floor)
Philosophy of Landscape and Architecture
Chair: Elisa Caldarola
A-502 (5th floor)
Everyday Aesthetics
Chair: Pauline von Bonsdorff
(4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters VII
Chair: Elena Tavani
A-403 (4th floor)
9.30-10.15  Italo Testa
Anaphoras. For a Theory of Poetry  
Borbála Jász
Aesthetic Uncertainty in Modern Architecture
Lucía Jiménez Sánchez
Aesthetic Normativity in Everyday Acts of Appreciation
Onerva Kiianlinna
Aesthetic Gadgets and Predictive Minds:
Universalism in Evolutionary Aesthetics Today
10.15-11.00  Kalle Puolakka
Growing with Literary Oeuvres  
Ken Wilder
On Blindness and Architecture:
Recasting Susanne Langer’s Virtuality as ‘Felt Space’
Nélio Conceição
Walking through Everyday Life:
Between Attention, Disruption and Defamiliarization
Alfonso Hoyos Morales
A Phenomenological Review of the Concept of Natural Beauty
11.00-11.45  Martino Manca
An Ergodic Pleasure: Sensible Aspects of Reading  
Jakub Stejskal
Monumentality and Art History
Natxo Navarro Renalias
The Unreflective Everyday Aesthetic Experience

11.45-12.00 Coffee break A-500 (5th floor)

30.06.2022 ThursdayPANEL
Chair: Connell Vaughan
A-501 (5th floor)
A-101 (1st floor)
Philosophy of the Arts
Chair: Kalle Puolakka
A-502 (5th floor)
Topics in the History of Aesthetics II
Chair: Vítor Moura
A-402 (4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters VIII
Chair: Francisca Pérez Carreño
A-403 (4th floor)
12.00-12.45  Ken Wilder, Elisa Caldarola and Enrico Terrone
Beholding: Situated Art and the Aesthetics of Reception
Lauren Stephens
A Sartrean Look at Art
Adrián Kvokačka
The Sublime Redivivus. Kant’s Legacy for Contemporary Art  
María Jimena Clavel Vázquez and Adriana Clavel-Vázquez
The Rhythm of the Eye: Expectations, Imagination, and Aesthetic Perception
12.45-13.30  (the panel continues)Salvador Rubio Marco
“Can Poems Do Philosophy?”: The Philosopher as a Sportsman of the Mind  
Andrew Huddleston
The Afterlife of the Sacred: Rothko’s Chapel  
Lisa Schmalzried
Kitschy Kitsch and Kitschy Art:
Kitsch as an Aesthetic Category and an Aesthetic Property

13.30-15.00 Lunch break (MAP)

30.06.2022 ThursdayAesthetics and the Future
Chair: Uku Tooming
A-501 (5th floor)
A-101 (1st floor)
Aesthetics of Video Games
Chair: Connell Vaughan
A-402 (4th floor)
Aesthetic Matters IX
Chair: Salvador Rubio Marco
A-403 (4th floor)
15.00-15.45Claire Anscomb
Automating Aesthetic Choices: How Does AI Affect Human Creativity?  
Karl Egerton
Games and Disinterestedness  
Alex Fisher
(2022 Fabian Dorsch Essay Prize)
In Defence of Fictional Examples
15.45-16.30Mona Tärk
Skin of Stones, And How Art Can Make Us Think More Ecologically

Nele Van de Mosselaer
and Stefano Gualeni
Playable Aesthetics: On the Representational Aspects of Videogame Doors  
Radu Bumbăcea
The Subjective Knowledge Theory. A Defense

16.30-16.45 Coffee break A-500 (5th floor)

16.45-18.15 Plenary Session
Virve Sarapik
Aesthetics and Semiotics. Partly Site-specific
Chair: Connell Vaughan
A-101 (1st floor)

01.07.2022/ Friday

Visit to Arvo Pärt Centre (registration and payment)

11:00 – departure from the Estonian Academy of Arts (Põhja pst 7, Tallinn) (meeting point)
11:45 – arrival at the Arvo Pärt Centre
14:00 – departure from the Arvo Pärt Centre
14:45 – arrival at the Estonian Academy of Arts (Põhja pst 7, Tallinn)
15:00 – arrival at the Port of Tallinn – Terminal A
15:10 – arrival at the Port of Tallinn – Terminal D
15:30 – arrival at Tallinn Airport