ESA Conference Programme 2023

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29.06.2023/ Thursday

9.30-10.00 Opening
Lecture hall (ground floor)

10.00-11.30 Plenary Session
Alva Noë
Enacting Value
Chair: Pauline von Bonsdorff
Lecture hall (ground floor)

11.30-12.00 Coffee break  (Café, 1st floor)


29.06.2023 Thursday Essay Prize Panel I
Chair: Francisca Pérez Carreño
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Chair: Alessandro Bertinetto
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Topics in the History of Aesthetics I
Chair:  Dan Eugen Ratiu
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Matters I
Chair: Pauline von Bonsdorff
Room 204 (2nd floor)
12.00-12.45 Andrew Wynn Owen
Does a Plausible Construal of Aesthetic Value Give us Reason to Emphasize Some Aesthetic Practices over Others? If Not, What Might?

Response: Stacie Friend
Giulia Rainoldi
Immersive Museums’ Images as Nancean Bodies: Rethinking Aesthetic Immersion Topologically
Andrea Vitangeli
Rapture and Attunement: Heidegger’s Attempt at Overcoming Nietzsche’s Aesthetics
Onerva Kiianlinna
Simulationist versus Embodied Approaches in Aesthetics
12.45-13.30 (the panel continues) Gizela Horvath
Displaying Participatory Art
Ben Campion
Understanding the Relation of Action and Knowledge in Flusser’s Theory of Photography
Adrián Kvokačka
Climate Change Anxiety and Contemporary Climate Aesthetics

13.30-15.00 Lunch break (MAP)

29.06.2023 Thursday Mistakes about Art
Chair: Connell Vaughan
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Artistic Activism
Chair: Jochen Schuff
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Philosophy of Music I
Chair: Vítor Moura
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Matters II
Chair: Elena Tavani
Room 204 (2nd floor)
15.00-15.45 Zsolt Bátori
Failures of Engagement with Artworks
Lev Kreft
Ressentiment, Artivism and Magic
Marcello Ruta
Performed Understanding: The Amphibious Characterization of Musical Interpretation
Emanuele Arielli
AI-aesthetics and the Artificial Author
15.45-16.30 Matthew Rowe
The Implications of Mistakes About Art: Ontological and Epistemological
Sue Spaid
On Distinguishing Activist Art from Protest Props
Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska
The Impression of Music. Edmund Gurney’s Ideas about Music in The Power of Sound
Leonardo Lenner
From Concept to Image (and vice versa): The Philosophical Frontispiece

16.30-16.45 Coffee break  (Café, 1st floor)

PANEL: Aesthetics of Architecture
Chair: Elena Tavani
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Affect Theories
Chair: Tereza Hadravová
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Theories of Conservation
Chair: Connell Vaughan
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Matters III
Chair: Regina-Nino Mion
Room 204 (2nd floor)
16.45-17.30 Borbála Jász, Pedro Borges de Araújo,
Sofia Miguens, Sérgio Pinto Amorim
Aesthetic Judgement in Architecture
Thorsten Botz-Bornstein
Guilt is Ethical, Shame is Aesthetic
Lisa Giombini
Care in Conservation Ethics
Arthur Cools
Impersonal Imagining
17.30-18.15  (the panel continues) Efi Kyprianidou
Moral Disgust and Imaginative Resistance
Zoltán Somhegyi
How to Conserve a Fake Ruin?
Heritage Dilemmas between Aesthetics and Practice
Francesco Pierini
Composite Images

18.15-18.30 Coffee break  (Café, 1st floor)

18.30-20.00 ESA Assembly (for all participants and members of the ESA society)
Lecture hall (ground floor)

30.06.2023/ Friday

30.06.2023 Friday Aesthetic Agency I
Chair: Jochen Schuff
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Aesthetic Agency II
Chair: Elena Tavani
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Concepts
Chair: Connell Vaughan
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Case Studies
Chair:  Iris Vidmar Jovanović
Room 204 (2nd floor)
9.30-10.15 Alistair Macaulay
Between Action and Artwork: Linking Liberty and Creativity in Improvisation
Lorenzo Gineprini
Material Agency within Aesthetics
Monika Jovanović
Weakness of Taste and Aesthetic Akrasia
David Cseh
At the Fountain of Youth – About the Rejuvenating Power of Art in Zeami Motokiyo’s Nō Play Yōrō 養老
10.15-11.00 Kaisa Mäki-Petäjä
Drawing as a Way of Weaving Oneself into a Place
Sarah Hegenbart
Democratic and Aesthetic Participation as Imposition: On the Aesthetics of the Collective
Lisa Schmalzried
The Kitsch-Man and Different Kinds of Kitsch Attitudes
Milica Czerny Urban
Rethinking the Known: The Case of The Triumph of the Will
11.00-11.45 Thomas Symeonidis
On the Different Meanings of Aestheticization
Kinga Lendeczki
In the Search of a Political Subjectivity
Lukáš Makky
Revisiting the Concept of the End of Art
Tareeq Jalloh
Prospects of a Progressive Critique of Rap: The Challenge of Oppressive Double Binds

11.45-12.00 Coffee break (Café, 1st floor)

30.06.2023 Friday Philosophy of Literature
Chair: Iris Vidmar Jovanović
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Topics in the History of Aesthetics II
Chair: Elena Tavani
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Theories of Fiction I
Chair: Vítor Moura
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Matters IV
Chair: Tereza Hadravová
Room 204 (2nd floor)
12.00-12.45 Andrew Huddleston
Virginia Woolf, Epiphanies, and the Modernist Novel
Davide Mogetta
Between Art and Philosophy. Patterns of Baxandall’s Criticism
Jeffrey Goodman
Should We Reject Fictional Universals?
Clément Canonne and Pierre Saint-Germier
What’s Wrong with Aesthetic Empiricism? An Experimental Study
12.45-13.30   Colette Olive
More Than Metaphor: Defending the Cognitive Value of Literature
Eran Guter
Forgoing Foreignness: Wittgenstein’s Open Aesthetics
Francisca Pérez Carreño
Fiction as Representation, or the Verbal Icon Revisited
Peter Hajnal
Aesthetic Education, Conversation, and the Ontology of the Classroom

13.30-15.00 Lunch break (MAP)

15.00-16.30 Plenary Session
Stacie Friend
Fact, Fiction and Understanding
Chair: Connell Vaughan
Lecture hall (ground floor)

16.30-16.45 Coffee break (Café, 1st floor)

30.06.2023 Friday Essay Prize Panel II
Chair: Iris Vidmar Jovanović
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Topics in the History of Aesthetics III – Kant
Chair: Elena Tavani
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Matters V
Chair: Vítor Moura
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Matters VI
Chair: Jochen Schuff
Room 204 (2nd floor)
16.45-17.30     David Collins
Expanding Davies’ Pragmatic Constraint for Philosophizing about Art

Response: Alva Noë
João Lemos
Kant and Rhetoric: What Makes Bad Rhetoric Deceitful in the First Place?
Merel Semeijn
Make-believe and Common Belief
Elettra Villani
Aesthetic versus Functional: Overcoming Their Dichotomy in T. W. Adorno’s “Functionalism Today”
17.30-18.15     (the panel continues) Pablo Genazzano
Negative Pleasure: Kant’s Answer to Mendelssohn’s Theory of the Sublime (1763)
René Jagnow
Multisensory Experience of Paintings
Giulia Zerbinati
The Truth of Art. A Reflection Starting from Hegel and Adorno

19.45 Conference Dinner at Café Vian (registration and payment)
Liszt Ferenc square 9, 1061 Budapest


01.07.2023/ Saturday

01.07.2023 Saturday Aesthetic Cognitivism
Chair: Tereza Hadravová
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Philosophy of Landscape and Public Places
Chair: Connell Vaughan
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Digital Images
Chair: Dan Eugen Ratiu
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Philosophy of Music II
Chair: Vítor Moura
Room 204 (2nd floor)
9.30-10.15   Peter Tsu
The Problem of Aesthetic Explanation: A Limited Defence of Particularism
Paolo Furia
Landscape Beauty Matters. From “Acting on” to “Acting with” Attitude
Nele Van de Mosselaer
Perceiving Digital Gameworlds: Actual, Fictional, and Imaginative Perceptions
Alessandro Bertinetto
Habits of Unexpectedness: The Expressive Character of Musical Improvisation
10.15-11.00   Christopher Earley
Distance Learning: Insight Through Art and Audience Creativity
Sara Vieira Romão
Everydayness in Our Aesthetic Experience of the City
Sonia Emilia Mihai
Digital Somatopia – A New Interpretation of the Digital Space in Digital Body Interactive Installations
Nemesio G. C. Puy
Performing Past Music: A Twist on Historical Authenticity
11.00-11.45   Alice Harberd
Aesthetic Cognitivism and Aesthetic Biases in Epistemic Evaluations
Enrico Terrone
The Aesthetic Appreciation of the Universe
Anna Fech
What’s the “New” in “New Extractivism”? Tracing Post-Digital Aesthetics in Vladan Joler’s Assemblage

11.45-12.00 Coffee break (Café, 1st floor)

01.07.2023 Saturday Topics in the History of Aesthetics IV
Chair: Tereza Hadravová
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Theories of Arts
Chair: Pauline von Bonsdorff
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Picture Theory I
Chair: Regina-Nino Mion
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Matters VII
Chair: Alessandro Bertinetto
Room 204 (2nd floor)
12.00-12.45   Gregorio Fiori Carones
Simmel and the Aesthetics of Luxury
Javier Leñador
Ontology of Installation Art: Definition and Implications
Jason Gaiger
Analog-Digital Conversion and the Cognitive Value of Visual Representation
Uku Tooming
Imagining All the Way Down
12.45-13.30   Emine Hande Tuna
Bolzano’s Aesthetic Cognitivism
Harry Drummond
Pitches and Paintings:
A Conferralist Theory of Art
Dimitris Apostolopoulos
Dufrenne on the Spatio-temporality of Pictorial Representation
Vitor Guerreiro
Organic Form, Representation, and Cognitive Aesthetic Value

13.30-15.00 Lunch break (MAP)

01.07.2023 Saturday Essay Prize Panel III
Chair: : Regina-Nino Mion
Lecture hall (ground floor)
Everyday Aesthetics
Chair: Iris Vidmar Jovanović
Library/Könyvtár (2nd floor)
Picture Theory II
Chair: Francisca Pérez Carreño
Room 203 (2nd floor)
Aesthetic Negativity
Chair: Jochen Schuff
Room 204 (2nd floor)
15.00-15.45 Martino Manca
A Discomforting Aesthetics of Discomfort: For a Positive Aesthetics of Literary Nonsense

Response: Pauline von Bonsdorff
Jacopo Frascaroli
Mind, Agency, and Art: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Designed Worlds
Hannah Fasnacht
Different Levels of Narrative Pictorial Content
Enea Bianchi
Aesthetics at the End of the World
(the panel continues)
Dan Eugen Ratiu
Objects at Work: How Do Artefacts Work Aesthetically in Everyday Organisational Life? Two Case Studies
Aloisia Moser
Mimesis and Methexis.
How Images Yield Knowledge about the World
Pioter Shmugliakov
The Economic Problem of Love and Aesthetic Negativity in Seidl, Lanthimos, and Adorno

16.30-16.45 Coffee break (Café, 1st floor)

16.45-18.15 Plenary Session
Veronika Darida
Aesthetics of Gesture
Chair: Zsolt Bátori
Lecture hall (ground floor)