UPDATE (as of July 8, 2022) Pauline von Bonsdorff is a new President of the European Society of Aesthetics, elected at the General Assembly of the European Society of Aesthetics during the conference in Tallinn on June 28, 2022. She is succeeding Francisca Pérez Carreño. Furthermore, Claire Anscomb, María José Alcaraz León, and Jochen Schuff were elected as new members of the executive committee.
UPDATE (as of June 24, 2022). Those ESA members who do not go to Tallinn in person may join the general assembly, taking place on Tuesday, June 28, 18:30 EEST, online. For a zoom link, please write to Iris Vidmar Jovanović (ividmar (at) ffri.uniri.hr). The request should include your name, affiliation, and information about the ESA conference you attended in the past (if any) and should be sent three hours before the meeting starts the latest.
UPDATE (as of June 21, 2022). The ESA executive committee has nominated two candidates for executive committee, Claire Anscomb and Jochen Schuff, and a candidate for presidency, Pauline von Bonsdorff. We are also exploring the possibility of running the general assembly as well as the election in a hybrid mode (Tuesday, June 28, 18:30 EEST).
(June 1, 2022) A new President and two executive committee members are to be elected at the General Assembly of the European Society of Aesthetics during the conference in Tallinn. Candidates for executive committee members and president can be self-nominated or nominated by a member of the ESA (or by a group of members). The candidates do not have to be personally present at the conference. Since the ESA committee is to represent as many European regions as possible, only nominations of candidates affiliated to countries not currently represented by serving ESA committee members (i.e., Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Portugal) are allowed. This limitation does not hold for the presidential candidates. The presidential candidates can present themselves and their ideas regarding the ESA in advance via the Society’s website, as well as directly at the assembly. The presidential nominations must be addressed to the ESA secretary Iris Vidmar Jovanović by June 28 the latest.