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Date(s): 12. June – 13. June
11:00 - 15:45
The virtual edition of the Canadian Society for Aesthetics’ annual conference will take place over Zoom on Saturday June 12th and Sunday June 13th, from 11:00 am until shortly before 4:00 pm, Eastern Time. We’re asking anyone who is interested in attending to register in advance (at no charge) by e-mailing (with something relating to conference attendance in the subject line), after which you will be sent the links to the Zoom meetings for both days’ sessions.
Day 1 – Saturday, June 12th
11:00 – 11:45 James Dow (Hendrix College), “On the Anthropogenic Sublime
(10 min. break)
11:55 – 12:40 Melanie Wilmink (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design), “Cinematic Experience and the Materiality of Time in The Paradise Institute“
(10 min. break)
12:50 – 1:35 John MacKinnon (Saint Mary’s University), “Currie on Creativity and Its Constraints”
(30 min. break)
2:05 – 2:50 Suma Rajiva (Memorial University), “La Beauté d’Occasion: Truth in Plato’s Second-Hand Aesthetics of Writing”
(10 min. break)
3:00 – 3:45 Roger Shiner (University of British Columbia), “Must Theories of Taste be Circular?”
Day 2 – Sunday, June 13th
11:00 – 11:45 Jason Holt (Acadia University), “In Praise of Misrepresenting Sport”
(10 min. break)
11:55 – 12:40 John H. Brown (University of Maryland), “Deep Versus Shallow Analysis of Aesthetic Value, and Why It Matters”
(10 min. break)
12:50 – 1:35 Christopher Williams (University of Nevada, Reno), “How Not to Interpret Collingwood’s Theory of Art”
(30 min. break)
2:05 – 2:50 Jeannette Hicks (University of Guelph), “The Lightning Flash: French Hölderlin and the Politics of the Fragment”
(10 min. break)
3:00 – 3:45 Peter Alward (University of Saskatchewan), “The Real McCoy: Fictional Realism, Indeterminate Identities, and De Dicto Interpretation”