Date(s): 04. May – 30. September
Aesthetics and Politics of Lifestyles
Deadline: 30 september 2020
Call for Papers
The metamorphoses of lifestyles are a constant element in times of crisis: during the 2008 economic crisis, they were a necessity, climate changes suggest their opportunity, and today, due to a pandemic, they are required by the civic sense and recommended by governments.
An urgent question, complexified by the social, ethical and aesthetic aspects underlying it, arises from all this: what is a lifestyle? How does the lifestyle derive from a certain way of thinking, or affect it?
Social space is the place of creation and display of an habitus that translates a lifestyle complying with one’s economic and cultural capital, from which the individual way of inhabiting the world, our personal style, are shaped.
Changes in people’s lifestyles caused (in particular) by the post-war crises remind us that the behaviors that regulate them involve the most varied fields of art de vivre, i.e. not only the aesthetic taste and human relationships, but also politics and communications. Lifestyle has a public vocation, from urban style to the aestheticization of everyday life. The manifestation is its essence. An account about the ways or lifestyles must also involve social media, “album of lifestyles” which, offered to us as something to aspire to and recognize ourselves in, are also the screen on which we project and advertise our way of life.
In this “first quarantine” era, what remains of our habitus, of the public and private lifestyle? What is the role of art, politics and communication in the era of widespread aestheticization? Beauty has never saved the world, but could we say it can relieve the spirit? Considering the current crisis situation, what prospects can it indicate to aesthetic reflection on lifestyles?
In its next issue, Aisthema aims to propose a contemporary reflection on lifestyles, on the change of ways of living, open to all contributions related to the object in all its possible forms.
Some theoretical problems we would like to approach (not exhaustive list):
Aesthetics (of everyday life) and lifestyles
Advertising – Social Media and lifestyles
Literature and lifestyles
Politics and lifestyles
Art and lifestyle
Lifestyles after the crisis
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